A 3D kinematical analysis of the handball jump shot using the Finite Helical Axis approach.

Scriptie/Masterproef: Master's Thesis


This thesis presents a pilot study on the throwing mechanics behind the jump shot in team handball. An optotoelectroning tracking (VICON system, Oxford UK) was performed done on jump shots performed by young handball players from the Belgian national selection -18 to search for differences and correlations in arthrokinematic variables. Whereas other researchers in sport biomechanics used the more classical approach of Euler/Cardan angles, in this study the finite helical axis approach was applied, avoiding the sequencing of the rotational components. The main findings of this pilot study were that the players threw in a proximal to distal sequence in terms of initiation of joint movement, but not in terms of maximal angular velocities or maximal angles (similar as the results of van den Tillaar & Ettema, 2009) and they did not use the angular momentum built up in the trunk efficiently (phenomenon which is often described as throwing with too much arm, similar as the results of Aguinaldo et al., 2007). Because there is a high intra-individual variance in throwing technique, the analysis also introduced the use of ratios between kinematic variables, providing more insight.
Datum prijs28 jun 2012
Originele taalEnglish
BegeleiderJean-Pierre Baeyens (Promotor), Ulrike Van Daele (Jury), Benedicte Deforche (Jury) & Tristan Selis (Jury)

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