The goal of this master thesis was to discover factors that encourage or dissuade Belgian consumers to accept and use meal kits by applying the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT-2) model. A total of 245 people responded to an online survey, with 138 of them using meal kits and 107 not using them. The collected data was analysed using multiple linear regression models, not only for the overall sample, but also for users and non-users separately. Across the three models, the variables hedonic motivation (HM) and habit (HB) were the most powerful predictors of intention (BI). The variable performance expectancy (PE) was significant for the total sample and for non-users, the construct price value (PV) is significant for the total sample and for users, and the factor facilitating conditions (FC) is significant only for users. In each model, the constructs effort expectancy (EE) and social influence (SI) are not significant predictors of BI. However, the results concerning the actual user behaviour are rather very limited. Despite the fact that the findings should be interpreted with caution because not all assumptions are met, they do give a starting point for further research. The findings reveal which factors have the greatest impact on the decision to use or continue utilising meal kits. Finally, this research reveals that there are significant changes in the UTAUT-2 constructs between users and non-users.
Belgische consumentenacceptatie omtrent maaltijdboxen.
Cauwelier, K. ((PhD) Student). aug 2021
Scriptie/Masterproef: Master's Thesis