Deeply-Etched DBR Mirrors for Photonic Integrated Circuits and Tunable Lasers

  • Boudewijn Docter ((PhD) Student)
  • M. Smith (Promotor)
  • J Van Der Tol (Co-promotor)
  • F Karuta (Co-promotor)
  • Jan Danckaert (Jury)

Scriptie/Masterproef: Doctoral Thesis


The research described in this thesis focuses on realizing deeply etched DBR gratings in InP-based PICs. It covers DBR theory, simulation models, fabrication processes, characterization methods and finally shows an example of an application of DBR mirrors in a novel tunable laser device.
Datum prijs1 okt 2009
Originele taalEnglish
BegeleiderJan Danckaert (Jury), M. Smith (Promotor), J Van Der Tol (Co-promotor) & F Karuta (Co-promotor)

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