Het kosmopolitisme tijdens de Verlichting.
Een wijsgerig onderzoek naar het wereldburgerschap vanaf circa 1750 in de visie van Kant, in de vrijmetselarij en in de Franse Verlichting.

Scriptie/Masterproef: Master's Thesis


Cosmopolitanism during the eighteenth-century Enlightenment is the central concept of this
Master’s thesis. Recent research shows that cosmopolitanism entails more than a political land
legal cosmopolitanism that traditional research has long assumed. More specifically,
cosmopolitanism takes several different forms. Based on a literature study, eight forms are
distinguished in the framework of this Master’s thesis. A first chapter introduces the concept of
cosmopolitanism: cosmopolitanism is described and placed in a philosophical framework,
interpreted historically and its various forms are defined. The second to the fourth chapter
consist of an application of these forms of cosmopolitanism in the eighteenth century: more
specifically, an analysis was made based on the ideas of Kant, Freemasonry (Lessing and
Fichte) and the French Enlightenment. The findings of this investigation are brought together
in a general conclusion that provides a synthesis of eighteenth-century cosmopolitanism and
also advances some recommendations for further research.
Datum prijs2021
Originele taalDutch

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