This work had the ambition to investigate the heterogeneity and contradictory results in the rubber hand illusion (RHI) by developing the first meta-analysis onthis topic. A literature review was conducted on the recent evolution and new
paradigms of this illusion. We also presented the different quantification methods of the RHI, focusing on the proprioceptive drift.
With a rigorous systematic review, we had identified 94 studies for the data analysis. The data was extracted using a coding form based on our hypotheses. In total 155 effect sizes were collected. Results showed that the proprioceptive drift has a strong but heterogeneous effect size that is not explained by moderator variables.
Finally, implication as well as possible publication biases have been discussed .
Datum prijs | 2016 |
Originele taal | English |
Prijsuitreikende instantie |
Begeleider | Axel Cleeremans (Promotor) |