Transmissibility in coupled Structures

Scriptie/Masterproef: Master's Thesis


The objective of this work is to study the transmissibility concept for MDOF systems, with multiple excitations (periodical and/or random), applied to coupled structures. From the definition of the transmissibility, it will be shown that, under certain conditions, the transmissibility matrix for the main structure alone is the same as the transmissibility matrix for the coupled structure. These conditions arise from the fact that the additional structure effect on the main structure is equivalent to a set of generalized forces applied at the joint coordinates. Since the magnitude of the applied forces does not affect the transmissibility matrix, this one is the same, whatever forces are applied at the joint, as long as they are applied at the same coordinates; so these forces can substitute the additional structure. The conditions for the calculation of the transmissibility matrices, valid for both the main structure and the coupled structures, will be established and a numerical and experimental validation conclude the work and show the practical application of the method.
Datum prijs2004
Originele taalEnglish
BegeleiderPatrick Guillaume (Co-promotor) & A.m.r. Ribeiro (Promotor)

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